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Tips and Tricks - 08-12-2022 - - 0 comments
Unwind over the Christmas break - 5 tips for switching off

Switching off is never easy but it is necessary! Our mental health champion, Louise, gives her some advice on how to switch off and unwind during the Christmas break (or any break for that matter!).


Don't check your emails

If you're trying to relax over the festive break, it can be tempted to take a quick peek at your work emails. This might be because you're worried something urgent might have come in while you've not been at your desk, out of boredeom or even just plain curiosity. However innocent you might feel this is, bringing work home with you won't allow you to switch off properly. To combat the habit, set a boundary with yourself and log out of all work accounts. If you usually work from home, try to leave your computer in a different room, or pack it away safely out of sight to make your home a zero-work space for the time being. You could even delete apps from your phone if you feel like you can't help but sneak a peek!

It's OK to say no

The festive break is a great time to socialise with family and friends, many of whom you might not have seen since last year. However busy your schedule is looking, it's OK to say no to plans if you feel like you need a little extra relaxation time at home. You might want to spend a few cosy days simply watching festive TV, practising self care or picking a hobby back up that you really enjoy. You're allowed to say no to plans or reschedule - remember, it's your break - make sure to spend it how you want!

Give yourself something to look forward to 

Switching off is different for everyone, and while sitting back in front of the TV and getting cosy can be ideal after a long year of deadlines and early starts, taking the time to do a fun activity is a great way to let off some steam or reignite an old hobby. For example, you could organise a games night with friends, pay a visit to a tourist attraction or plan a festive party. It doesn't have to be social either - for example you can dedicate some time to something creative like painting, pottery or baking. This will help you feel like you've made the most of your time off and stay recharged ready for getting back to work in January.

Enjoy time outside

We know it's cold right now, but why not try wrapping up warm and stepping outside to take a break from the festive chaos? Getting outside, especially into nature, is a natural mood enhancer, and a great way to make the most of the short days in winter. To make it extra special, you can research spots with excellent scenery (the kind that looks even better in the snow!) and a quiet atmosphere to help lower your stress levels. Don't feel pressured to go for a giant hike or over-exert yourself more than usual to cancel out the time you've spent relaxing - this is an opportunity to really soak in the outdoors and enjoy yourself, so take it at whatever pace or distance you feel comfortable with.

Don't forget to treat yourself!

While the festive season is often a time for generosity, that doesn't mean you have to leave yourself out. Feel free to take some time for yourself and treat yourself to a spa session, whether by yourself or with a partner or friend, or something that you will really enjoy. It doesn't need to fit the mould either - from treating yourself to a nice meal or a game of axe throwing, go with something you know you'll love. 


We know this is easier said than done but hopefully, this will help you enjoy your Christmas break and allow you to spend your time focusing on what matters - you!

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