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Tips and Tricks - 16-12-2020 - - 0 comments
Tips for Tutors using online video

All of our tutoring sessions take place online in our state-of-the-art Tutor Room. We are more familiar we video technology and online meetings than ever before. However, a little advice never hurt anybody so, we’ve put together some tips to help make sure that your tutoring sessions are as successful as they can be!

  • Find a quiet, private space that is free from distractions
  • Ideally the space will have a simple background and be tidy and clutter-free
  • Make sure you can be properly seen by using a well-lit room. Natural light is best!
  • Ensure that your phone is one silent mode 
  • Prepare and open any resources you made need in advance so you can easily access them
  • If you like make handwritten notes make sure you have a pen and notebook to hand
  • Ensure that your camera is at eye level so you are looking to it rather than at the screen
  • Test everything out beforehand to make sure everything is working as it should
  • Get familiar with the Tutor Room so you know how to use it and what to do
  • Dress appropriately. Think about what you would wear if you were working in a school environment
  • Avoid slouching or moving around too much instead make good eye contact, smile and listen

Should you require any extra help or advice, get in touch. You can also find some great tips for online tutoring here. 



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