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Tips and Tricks - 30-08-2022 - - 0 comments
Resignation Dates - what you need to know

As we head into a new academic year, we felt it was important to reminder all of our school staff about the upcoming resignation dates and offer some advice on what to do and how to go about it.

We know that resigning is not just a big decision but a big step to take and we’re here to make that process as stress-free and smooth as possible.


What should you include in your resignation letter?

It is deemed good practice to have your resignation letter writing. Doing this it ensures that you have a copy for your own records which helps you to avoid any issues in respect of when you gave notice.

In this we would suggest including the date or term when you no longer expect to be employed at the school to help best manage expectations.


Who should you address your resignation letter to?

Your resignation letter should be addressed to the headteacher unless your contract says otherwise. 


Notice periods for teachers

Typically, you would be expected to give two months’ notice, and in the summer term three months’ notice, in order to leave your post at the end of the term.

If you wish to leave your job, you would be expected to give notice by the following dates:

  • to leave at 31 December, give notice by no later than 31 October;
  • to leave at 30 April, give notice by no later than 28 February; and
  • to leave at 31 August, give notice by no later than 31 May.

Most academies do adhere to the same notice periods as local authority schools however, we advise that you check your contract in order to be sure. 

If you are planning to leave your current teaching post and would like to find a new role in a school near you, then we can help. We offer both temporary and permanent roles across the West Midlands. Send your CV our way and we’ll have someone give you a call or alternatively get in touch for a confidential chat. 


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