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Tips and Tricks - 05-01-2020 - - 0 comments
Keywords you should be using in your CV

Keywords, buzzwords, whatever you call them, it’s important to include them in your CV. Doing so can not only make your CV more appealing but makes it more likely to be found in online searches by recruiters, like us

When writing your CV, many teaching professionals make the mistake of assuming they don’t need to include keywords as they assume they are too obvious but they would be wrong. Here are five we think that you should add to your latest CV and we’ve also been kind enough to show you just how to use them too!

Keyword: Planning

Why you should use it: lesson planning is a crucial part of your role as a teacher and involves setting goals, developing activities, and determining the materials that you will be used. Using this within your CV shows that you are not only organised but proactive and able to not only create a plan but follow one too.

How to use it: “Responsible for the creative planning of lessons for Year 4 ensuring that all content was in line with the national curriculum”.


Keyword: Enhanced 

Why you should use it: it’s important that you are able to show your ability to identify a problem and do the things necessary to solve it or to identify a weakness within something and have the ability to improve it. This is a skill which sets apart good teachers from great teachers. 

How to use it: “Enhanced the students learning by adapting the previous lesson plan to include more technology”.

Keyword: Resolved

Why you should use it: conflicts inside and outside of the classroom happen but it’s important that when they do you show willing to resolve them. Referencing this in your CV shows that you value your student’s wellbeing and have good communication skills.

How to use it: “Resolved conflict between students within the classroom by initiating a conversation between students and asking them to reflect on their behaviour”.

Keyword: Maintained

Why you should use it: it’s not all about improving things though, sometimes it’s important that things remain the same. As the saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! However, often maintaining things can often be much harder than improving them so this is sure to make you stand out.

How to use it: “Maintained excellent communication with colleagues, students and parents”.


Keyword: Maximised 

Why you should use it: with budgets tight and resources tough to come by, schools look for staff who can make the most of what the school has. Show that you can think outside of the box.

How to use it: “Maximised space within the classroom by rearranging the furniture providing students with space to practice reading”.

Now, what are you waiting for, getting adding these little gems into your CV now? Once you’ve updated your CV be sure to visit our website and submit your CV. With these update and our help, the perfect teaching role is right around the corner for you.

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