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Tips and Tricks - 09-07-2020 - - 0 comments
How to spot a teacher outside of school

It might be hard for your students to believe but when you’re not at school, you’re actually just a pretty ordinary person. But spotting a teacher outside of the classroom is much easier than you think. You see teachers have told and while you might not wear a uniform or a badge, carry around a chalkboard or globe to the trained eye of the education recruitment consultant, it’s obvious.

Prepared, no matter what the occasion

Looking for a pen? No sweat. Need a plaster? They’ve got you covered (literally). If anyone is going to have these things, it’s a teacher. Why? Because in the good words of every teacher ever lived ‘failing to prepare is preparing to fail’. And don’t ever be fooled by the size of their handbag, no matter how small it may be, it will always be packed with ‘the essentials’. 

Organised to a fault

Now, these days that could also mean they are a Hincher, but what is the bet that teachers and Hinchers are one and the same people? For teachers, organisation is key to maintaining the structure and balancing work and home life. They will almost definitely have some sort of calendar diary whether it’s on their phone or actual diary depends on the person and their cupboards or draws, kitchen, bedroom or otherwise will be neat. They may even be alphabetised. 

Always the disciplinarian 

Teachers can spot a child being naughty a mile off, just like we can spot a teacher. Now, this can go either two ways. Either said the teacher will almost spontaneously combust knowing that they can’t discipline said badly behaving child or you’ll catch them looking smug at the fact they don’t have to deal with it. 

A hoarder with a cause

Okay, so it’s not bad enough that they’ll end up on Hoarders but teachers do like to cling onto things. Things teachers typically cling onto include:

  • Stationary (of any kind)

  • Handouts from a lesson plan long ago that they swear they’ll use again but never do

  • Copious amounts of marking

Forever generous

Teachers are generous by nature and they will try their very best to give you whatever they can. Whether that be their time, their effort or sweets. Many teachers will often spend their own cash to make sure their class is happy and well-stocked. If it’s anyone who is buying up all the arts and crafts goods, it’s a teacher! 

Do you think we’ve hit the teacher on the head?* Or are we way off the mark? Tell us what you think in the comments below.

*P.S no teachers were harmed in the making of this blog.

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