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Tips and Tricks - 17-06-2022 - - 0 comments
Elisha's story - working with diabetes

This week is Diabetes Week, and so I wanted to take some time to share my diabetes story.  


I was first diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in 2010, I was only 8 years old at this point. I didn’t understand what was going on as I was very young and found the idea of injecting myself every day strange. But, that was my life from that point forward and I learned to juggle the highs and the lows that come with the condition.


It’s not something that you get a break from. Managing your blood sugars is hard work! Trying to figure out food labels and menus is enough to make anyone go a bit mad. Unless you have diabetes or know someone with it, people don’t really understand how it affects your life. There are so many myths and misconceptions out there such as diabetics can’t eat sugar, cut their own toenails or do certain jobs - all of which are proven to be false by Diabetes UK. So, it’s no wonder that people are confused! 


However, this isn’t just about me and my diabetes, it’s also about Smile Education. Smile has always been flexible with my hospital appointments and I have never missed an appointment due to work which has helped me manage my diabetes effectively. My team are also very supportive too and has taken to time to learn a little about my condition by asking questions. Never have I ever been made to feel like a burden or an inconvenience when I’ve felt unwell or if I’ve been unable to work. And I’m treated like an office hero when the Haribo make an appearance! 


But I recognise that not every employer is as caring or supportive as Smile and I realise that I’m so lucky to be in the position that I am as they have really helped make life with diabetes easier.


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