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Tips and Tricks - 31-08-2023 - - 0 comments
Back to School: 7 Tips for Teachers This September


With the start of the new academic year just around the corner, many teachers are getting ready to welcome students back to school and embark on a new academic year. You may be preparing supplies for your students, organising lesson plans or simply getting yourself ready for a hectic new term (mentally and physically!),

Whether you’ve been teaching for decades or if it’s your first leap into the real world of education, it’s understandable to find returning to work quite daunting. To help you feel a little better, we’ve drummed up a few reminders to reassure you in time for your return.

1.      You’ve got this: Take a deep breath and remember all the incredible things you've achieved so far. You've got the qualifications and the know-how you need. You were hired because you demonstrated that you are fit to do the job. Trust yourself!

2.      Reach out: Your fellow teachers are like your extended family. Talk to them about how you're feeling. Chances are, they've been right where you are. Sharing your thoughts can lighten the load.

3.      One Step at a Time: Break down your to-do list into bite-sized tasks and tick them off as you go. Each little victory is a step closer to that bigger win.

4.      Your Happy Place, Your Space: Make your classroom your haven. Surround yourself with things that make you smile and energise you. It's not just a classroom; it's your creative space.

5.      Maintain boundaries: It’s easier said than done, but as much as you’re able to, try to set clear boundaries between work and life. Make it a priority to go for that run, read that book, or just chill if that’s what you’re feeling.

6.      You're Only Human: Mistakes aren't setbacks; they're setups for growth. Treat yourself with the same compassion you show your students.

7.      Adaptability is Key: Plans might change, and that's perfectly fine. Being open to change keeps things exciting and helps you roll with the punches. You might find you learn something new, or get the chance to try something different.

Starting Your First Teaching Job?

We know starting your first teaching job can be a rollercoaster, so here's a bunch of tips to keep you going:

1.      The Learning Never Stops: Every day is a learning opportunity, so make sure to embrace each experience with curiosity. You'll discover amazing things about teaching, and yourself!

2.      Learn from the Experts: Don't be shy to ask questions or seek advice from those more experienced than you. They'll have plenty of nuggets of wisdom and insider tips to share. It’s also important to make connections, so you have people to talk things over with if you’re unsure.

3.      Cheers to Small Wins: Teaching is a journey of little wins that can add up to something incredible. Celebrate those mini milestones – no matter how small!

4.      Go with the Flow: Lesson plans might change, technology might act up, and that's okay. Flexibility is your secret weapon as a teacher. Something unplanned could turn out to be your best work.

5.      You're a Shining Star: Remember, you're shaping young minds and hearts for the future. Even the smallest gestures leave a lasting impact. Your presence matters.

As September approaches, take a moment to pat yourself on the back for the hard work you've done to get here, and the incredible work you're about to do. You’ve got this!

Looking for Work this September?

Our team are here to help! We have connections with some of the best schools across the Midlands and Greater Manchester, and can match you with a role that’s perfect for you.

If you’d like to find out more, browse our current teaching jobs or get in touch with our team today by calling 0121 392 6570.


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