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Tips and Tricks - 21-04-2020 - - 0 comments
5 Top Tips for Working From Home- Suneta Bagri


We wanted to share this fantastic blog with you as home working is quite new for many of us and comes with its own challenges! Here are some great tips from Suneta Bagri for our staff. 


My 5 top tips for working from home during COVID-19

Excellent organisation and planning skills are just two characteristics of good teachers. Many teachers that I am currently coaching or speaking with have expressed their frustration of not only being away from their pupils but also around the lack of structure in their day. This lack of structure has led to unwarranted stress, boredom, anxiety and for some, served as a real for depression and low mood.

 I hear many teachers tell me that there are problems in their lives, but they use work as a positive distraction. Experience tells me that problems, issues and past traumatic experiences, don’t just go away. At some point, it is essential for one’s well-being to face up and deal with these issues, to approach your life with renewed rigour. 

Coaching can be a great tool to assist you with this.

 With lockdown continuing and no further clarity around when schools will be re-opening, it is essential for our mental health to create structures and a plan to embrace our day rather than dread it!

 Creating a structure was the first thing I did! I’ve worked out a good plan for my day and there are lots of things that are working well, so I thought I’d share.

 Here’s my top 5…

 1. Time chunking & time blocking

Having a very clear structure to my day which is blocked and chunked:

I use a technique called time blocking and chunking. This means that I break my day up into time segments then chunk particular tasks within that time block only. If something out of that chunk comes about during that block, I aim to avoid it!

E.g. a phone-call.

I time block phone-calls specifically between 2-4 pm for work and between 4-6 pm for social. This is incredibly helpful and boosts my productivity.

 2. Speaking kindly to myself and being kind to myself

It is highly likely and possible that I am not going to be as productive or as efficient at home then at the office/school. “I’m doing the best I can, with the internal and external resources that I have. ”When I finish a set task, I reward myself with a treat. 

 3. Establishing a routine for myself and for my family including firm boundaries

This has taken some planning and is modified on a weekly basis, but I cannot stress how integral this has been for us all. We are very clear as a family on “do’s” and “don’ts” such as, not entering certain rooms at certain times, or if someone is hungry in-between meal times, then they are to fend for themselves! My husband and I are working from home and looking after our three children. This has taken meticulous planning and co-ordination. It has helped to have some things that are “fixed” such as meal-times and certain times of the day we both agree and understand are given to scheduled calls for work or meetings via Zoom etc.

 4. Having dedicated workspaces

 We have all created our own dedicated workspaces and when we are in our workspaces – we are “working,” or studying when we are in communal spaces such as our living room or garden, then this indicates family time, social time, time to chill out. This really helps us to ‘switch off.”

I also use my computer for anything to do with work and my phone for social. Again, this helps with keeping my head in the right frame.

  5. Ring-fencing “me” time

 By nature, I am an introvert. I love having time to myself. It is really important to my emotional well-being to have time to understand my emotions and have the time to reflect and respond. Therefore, my morning routine is an essential tool in my toolbox to start my day meeting my core needs, which includes exercise and meditation. 

 Hopefully, you will have established what’s working well for you, but if you need another person to listen while you talk and clarify your thoughts, I’m here for you!

 You can a book a free coaching call here…


Suneta is also a certified Master Practitioner in NLP, Timeline ® Therapy and Hypnosis and offers breakthrough programmes, using modern mind tools and can assist you in making positive changes and taking control of your thoughts.

To support the teaching and support staff at Smile Education through this difficult time, Suneta is offering a free 30-minute coaching session. If you would like to take advantage of this offer or enquire about any of Suneta’s other services then get in touch directly

Be sure to look out for Suneta’s updates in Operation Smile.

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