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Registering with Smile - 30-08-2022 - - 0 comments
What is APSCo Compliance+ and how does it impact you?

As an APSCo Compliance+ accredited agency we are subjected to an audit every year to ensure that we are adhering to the guidelines set by APSCo. The audit is conducted by a professional body to confirm consistency with safeguarding. In our previous audits, we have scored very highly and aim to continue to do so! 

Compliance+ was developed by APSCo to provide an uncompromising quality benchmark for education recruitment agencies. It is the best practice quality standard for education recruitment businesses and compels members to go beyond statutory safeguarding standards and aim for excellence in competency selection and service quality.

APSCo Compliance+ standards are dictated by The APSCo Standards Committee. The committee ensures that the Compliance+ standard remains relevant, and appropriate, and provides governance of the audit process for the standard. They also play a critical role in making sure that the Compliance+ strategy and business plans are focused on the needs of members and support compliance of the recruitment profession.

For us being an APSCo accredited agency means the following:

  • It certifies safeguarding which goes beyond statutory requirements and is recognised as a certificated standard by the CCS.
  • It is designed to help safeguard and improve outcomes for children and vulnerable adults.
  • We must undergo an annual independent on-site audit process undertaken by a professional body to confirm consistency with safeguarding.

For our schools it means:

  • Peace of mind that when choosing Smile Education as a recruitment agency all staff will have been vetted beyond statutory safeguarding standards while providing a cost-effective service.

For school staff that register with us it means:

  • Our safeguarding and compliance checks during your registration with us are thorough to ensure your suitability to work with children. You can learn more about our registration process here.
  • We expect professional behaviour from our teaching and non-teaching staff at all times when on the school site. 

Ultimately, we are dedicated to ensuring the highest standards of safer recruitment and have uncompromising responsibility to the students within the schools we work with when it comes to safeguarding. You can find out more about our commitment to safeguarding here

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