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News - 20-10-2019 - - 0 comments
Smile Survey 2019 - The Results are in...

While it might sound very cliche, you’re feedback matters to us as we can’t improve and grow without it! At the end of each academic year, we send a survey out asking all of our education professionals, support staff and schools that have worked with us for feedback. 

The survey questions look at a range of different things and ask those completing it to rate us on our service, quality of work/staff, the registration process and their consultant. This enables us to reflect on the work that we have done this year and see where we are going right and the areas we need to improve.

We are really pleased to say that we’ve received some brilliant feedback this year that we would love to share with you all. 

Schools use us for a range of cover with 87% of schools using us for day-to-day bookings. We’ll start by sharing some of the feedback that our schools gave to us:

  • 75% of schools would say the service they received from us during the last academic year was excellent. The other 25% said service was good.
  • 90% of our schools said that they considered the consultant they worked with to be excellent. 
  • 90% of our schools said that the staff they received from Smile were either excellent or good.
  • 50% of schools said we were better than other teaching agencies. 

Pretty impressive right?! Now moving our to what our teachers and support staff had to say…

  • 91% of those who work within schools for us would say that the service they received this year from Smile was good to excellent.
  • 68% of our teaching and support staff would recommend us to a family, member, friend or colleague.
  • 94% of those who have registered with us said that the process was easy to do.
  • 75% of our candidates said they rate of pay was good to excellent. 

You can’t argue with the facts and certainly not ones as impressive as these!

We can’t tell you how happy this feedback made us. Hearing so many positive things about our team and the work we do is lovely to hear and makes all the hard work worthwhile. 

If you like what you have seen above and would like to speak to us about staffing for your school or are looking for a role, then please get in touch with us. You can contact us on 0121 210 5000 or you can leave us a message via our contact page.

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