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News - 04-11-2019 - - 0 comments
School support staff - the unsung heroes of education

When you think about a school, the first thing that you usually think of are the teachers, the children and the subjects. But behind every great school is a support services team, something that at times, we all (not us of course!) forget.

Caretakers, cleaners, administrators, IT technicians, subject technicians, exam invigilators - the people that you might not necessarily see every day - these are the unsung heroes of our schools.

Just imagine how different your school would be without these people? The answer very. Faculty, staff members and students all rely on support services staff in one way or another. Whether it’s helping setting up a science experiment, keeping the school tidy and safe or being the friendly face on the reception desk.

While these people may do a lot of the behind the scenes work that doesn’t make them any less important. In fact, support services staff are vital as they ensure that the school is functional and operational. Without them, it’s fair to say that school’s would not exist as we know them and that there would be a lot more stressed out and overworked teachers.

Their role fundamentally is to support the teaching and learning of the school, either directly or indirectly and in doing so make the school a better place. Our support services staff are professionals in their field and deserve just as much praise as the rest of our staff.

Leah with our Admin of the Term

We always try our very best to give our support staff credit where credit is due and Leah has previously visited schools and presented the support staff working for her with flowers to say thank you for all their hard work. At the end of the year, we also take time to send thank you cards to all the support staff who have gone above and beyond and shown commitment and dedication to Smile.

But, sending 1000s of cards wouldn't be a very sound economic or environmental decision so, we wanted to use this blog as an opportunity to say thank you to each and every one of our support services staff. To all of the Caretakers, cleaners, administrators, IT technicians, subject technicians, exam invigilators out there, we take our hats off to you. You do a fantastic job and without you, our schools would be lost. 

If you are looking for a support services roles in school, then get in touch or send your CV to us today.

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